Master of Management: Co-operatives and Credit Unions

The Master of Management: Co-operatives and Credit Unions (MMCCU) is a master's degree in co-operative and credit union administration. As the program is designed for students interested in entering business management, the degree attracts applicants from diverse academic disciplines. The degree is currently offered solely through an international program at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.[1]

The degree is designed to improve students' understanding of management within the context of the co-operative economic model.[2] Similar to the more traditional MBA, students are introduced to economics, accounting, human resources, marketing, technology, best practices and equity management. The MMCCU also teaches the history and philosophy of the co-operative management model and hosts international symposia.[3]

While the coursework is delivered exclusively on-line, participants proceed as cohorts and meet in person three times during the process: once for Orientation Week in Halifax, once for a field trip in the second year and finally for Convocation upon completion.[4]



The MMCCU degree program was created in 2002 by a partnership between Saint Mary's University and the Co-operative Management Education Co-operative (CMEC), a federation of over 50 cooperatives.[5][6] It was founded by Saint Mary's University Professor John Chamard.[2] The program took its first students in 2003 and saw its first graduates in 2007.[7]


The Sobey School of Business, the home of the MMCCU, has accreditation through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB).[8]

Method of delivery

The MMCCU is an on-line only program using the Blackboard Learning System virtual environment. With the exception of the orientation and field trip, the classes only meet on-line.[9]

Admissions criteria

The admission requirements consist of the following:[10]

Program content

First year

In the first semester, students complete the following:

Second year

Field trip

The field trip currently alternates between two locations. The first is the Mondragon Co-operative in northern Spain.[11] Students spend 10 days studying the Mondragon Co-operative and learning about the culture of the region.

The second location involves the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.[11] Students tour and study the worker co-operatives and co-operative federations of the region.

Third year

Master's project

The last year of the master's program has been dedicated to the project. Students are expected to develop a change in their co-operative based on the lessons learned through their program.

General information

Students move through the program as a cohort, so once a student starts they must commit to the entire program or drop-out.

Co-operative Management Education Co-operative

The program is a collaborative effort between Saint Mary's University and the Co-operative Management Education Co-operative (CMEC). This co-operative consists of co-operatives, individuals, as well as educational and support institutions.

Financial aid options

The Sid Pobihushchy scholarship is available for students pursuing an MMCCU.[12] Other means of financial aid will depend upon competitive grants and scholarships such as the Lemaire Scholarship provided by the Canadian Association for Study in Co-operatives,[13] a special loan program through the Cooperative Development Institute, private grants and the specific awards available in one's home country.

See also

Other methods of training in co-operatives exist:


  1. ^ Livingston, Jane. Co-op Management Master’s Degree Program: Lessons Learned. Cooperative Grocer. #124 May - June 2006.
  2. ^ a b Anderson, Mark. Consider your options. National Post. September 29, 2009.
  3. ^ Crowell, Erbin. A New Era for Labor and Co-op Movements? Cooperative Business Journal. November/December 2009.
  4. ^ McLeod, Andrew. (2010). Co-op Studies Go Global: The Master in Management - Cooperatives and Credit Unions. Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Newsletter. Volume II, Issue 5.
  5. ^ A Cooperative Approach to Management Education. Cooperative Grocer. #148 May - June 2010.
  6. ^ Come Together, Right Now. Cooperative Management Advantage. Volume 4, Issue 2. January 2010.
  7. ^ Chamard, John. The Saint Mary's Master of Management: Co-operatives and Credit Unions Programme. Journal of Co-operative Studies. Volume 40, Number 2. August 2007.
  8. ^ List of Accredited Schools by Country Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  9. ^ Livingston, Jane. Mastering Co-op Management. Rural Cooperatives. March/April 2006.
  10. ^ Master of Management: Co-operatives and Credit Unions. Grad School Finder.
  11. ^ a b Parnell, Edgar. Masters of Management - Co-ops and Credit Unions. ICA Digest. Issue 38. March 7, 2005.
  12. ^ Awards for 2010-2011. Fredericton Co-op website.
  13. ^ Lemaire Co-operative Studies Awards. Centre for the Study of Co-operatives.

External links

Related information